I am loving bunnies this Easter! I got the cute hat idea Here. Yep I used the same fabric as the Warhol Dress! There might just be enough left to make ME something :)
I have been playing around with graphic designing this past week. I wish I could go back to school and study it...maybe someday. I have a friend who is a graphic designer who I've had create several things for me, but that costs money-and we all know how cheap the hubs is ;) So in an effort to live more frugally I decided to play around and see what I could create. While doing so I happened upon a fun blog called Good Look CookBook which features design recipes. This is where I got the "Some bunny Loves You" and the bunny icon idea. I found a free background at scrapblog.com and put it all together in Power Point. And voila! A free personalized card! Easy Peasy.