
January 16, 2012

Birthday Gift Idea: Indoor Hop Scotch

This idea is pure genius!  Bubble wrap and Hop Scotch, together?!  What little girl wouldn't go crazy over this?  It's a perfect indoor activity for a cold winter's day.  And thanks to giver'slog, I am sending this as a birthday present to my niece first thing tomorrow morning!  I know she will LOVE it.

Want to make one too?  Here's how I did it:

Gather Materials:  Cardboard Box, Bubble Wrap, Yarn, Scissors, Hole Punch, and Sharpies

Step 1:  Cut 10 12"X12" squares of bubble wrap and 2 slightly larger pieces of cardboard.

Step 2:  Using permanent markers, write numbers on the flat side of bubble wrap.
Be sure to write them backwards!

So they look like this when right side up!

Step 3:  Punch holes along each edge of both cardboard pieces

Step 4:  Write the rules down on one of the pieces of cardboard.  They can be found here.

Step 5:  Tape a quarter to the other side.

Step 6:  Sandwich the bubble wrap between the two pieces of cardboard and  thread yarn
 through the holes.  I put a piece of tape around the end of the yarn for easy threading.

Step 7:  Decorate the front however you want!
I'm going to mail this, so I addressed it and it's now ready to take to the post office!

Go ahead, make someone's day!


  1. This is such a great idea. As a retired teacher, I thought it would make a great game for indoor recess. As a grandma, I thought it would make a great party game.

  2. I think she will love it - I know my kiddos would!

  3. OH MY GOODNESS!!! I would of LOVED this when I was younger...I was Hop Scotch Queen... ( Okay at least I thought I was.. LOL!!! ) I carried my rock in my pocket all the time... Ready to throw it down at any moment... This would have been FANTASTIC for those Rainy days.. :)

  4. This is great! I am featuring this fun idea on Hating Martha on Saturday. Stop by for a button if you like!

  5. oh my gosh, this is such a great idea! My guys is still a little young for it, but I bet within the next year he will LOVE this!

  6. I LOVE your blog and have honored you with the LEibster award!! see more here!

  7. Clever craft. Easy to make and looks so cute :)

  8. I am going to keep it in mind and will use it when i needed.

  9. This idea is pure genius! Bubble wrap and Hop Scotch, together?! What little girl wouldn't go crazy over this? It's a perfect indoor activity for a cold winter's day. novelty gifts
